Product CERELAC Infant Cereals
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Nestlé CERELAC Multigrain with Pear Infant Cereal – 200g

Please be aware that CERELAC Multigrain with Pear has been discontinued and availability will be impacted from July onwards. Please be assured the rest of the range is not impacted.

Nestlé CERELAC Multigrain with Pear is made with 8 grains (Oats, Wheat, Corn, Rye, Barley, Spelt Rice & Triticale) and tasty pears introducing your baby to exciting new tastes.​ When prepared it has a fine texture, ideal for babies from 6 months. CERELAC also contains Bifidus BL, a probiotic similar to those found in the digestive system of breastfed babies, and is rich in iron, contributing on average 65% of the RDI* per serve.


*Recommended dietary intake for infants 6-12 months

How to Prepare CERELAC Multigrain with Pear: Video Instructions